Curriculum Vitae
Zhenghao Wu
+49 152-3780-1179 | Alarich-Weiss-Str. 8, Darmstadt 64287 |
- Ph.D, Physical Chemistry, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
- Time: 2018 - Aug, 2021 (expected)
- Doctoral Thesis: Improved Dynamics in Hybrid Particle-Field Simulations of Polymers
- Advisor: Dr. Florian Müller-Plathe
- M.S., Polymer Engineering, University of Akron, United States
- Time: 2016 - 2018
- Master Thesis: Investigating the Effects of Grafting and Chain Stiffness on Nanoconfined Polymers from Molecular Dynamics Simulation
- Advisor: Dr. David Simmons
- B.S., Chemical Engineering, Soochow University, China
- Time: 2013 - 2016
- Bachelor Thesis: Insights into Glass Formation Behavior of Brush Polymers from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Advisor: Dr. Yong Wang & Dr. David Simmons
- 2018-2021: Teaching Assistant
- Location: Department of Chemistry, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germnay
- Courses: Physical Chemistry (I), (II), (III), and Solid State Physics
- Duties included: Prepare exercises; Organize tutorial seminars; Supervise examinations.
- 2016-2018: Research Assistant
- Location: Department of Polymer Engineering, University of Akron, USA
- Project: Insights into glass formation behavior of brush polymers from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations
- Investigate the effect of grafting on the dynamics at polymer/substrate interfaces
- Compute the glass transition temperature of polymers using novel algorithms
- Conduct data analysis with automated scripts based on Python
- Supervisor: Dr. David Simmons
- July-Aug, 2015: Internship
- Location: Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision of Suzhou, China
- Duties included: Performed analyses to detect and quantify the amount of fat, sugar, protein and certain additives in consumer-based foods, and compared results to China National Food Standards (GB)
- Polymer physics; simulation of the glass transition; soft materials and complex fluids.
- Python SciPy package; Bash; C++; Scilab; Microsoft Excel; Data analysis, Machine learning tools.
- Linux, Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS) and high performance computing (HPC) clusters.
- Zhou, T$^$; Wu, Z$^*$; Chilukoti, H; Müller-Plathe, F. Sequence-Engineering Polyethylene-Polypropylene Copolymers with High Thermal Conductivity Using a Molecular-Dynamics-Based Genetic Algorithm. Submitted (These authors$^$ contributed equally).
- Zhou, T; Chilukoti, H; Wu, Z; Müller-Plathe, F. Effect of Defects on the Interfacial Thermal Conductance between n-Heneicosane in Solid and Liquid Phases and a Graphene Monolayer. Submitted.
- *Wu, Z$^$*; Alberti, S$^$; Schneider, J; Müller-Plathe, F. Knotting Behaviour of Polymer Chains in the Melt State for Soft-Core Models with and without Slip-Springs. Submitted (These authors$^*$ contributed equally).
- Wu, Z.; Milano, G.; Müller-Plathe, F. Combination of Hybrid Particle-Field Molecular Dynamics and Slip-Springs for the Efficient Simulation of Coarse-Grained Polymer Models: Static and Dynamic Properties of Polystyrene Melts. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021, 17, 1, 474–487.
- Wu, Z, Kalogirou, A, De Nicola, A, Milano, G, Müller‐Plathe, F. Atomistic hybrid particle‐field molecular dynamics combined with slip‐springs: Restoring entangled dynamics to simulations of polymer melts. J. Comput. Chem. 2021; 42: 6– 18.
Talks and Posters:
September 18, 2019
Talk at CECAM/IRTG school: Bio/Soft Matter Simulations across Multiple Scales, Heidelberg, Germany
Service and leadership:
- National Academic Conference for Polymers
- Oct. 2015, Suzhou, China
- Volunteer: Organized information of academic papers and reports and guided the attendees
- Student Association of Science and Technology
- 2014 - 2015, Suzhou, China
- Director: Participated in planning content and organizing student activities related to science and technology